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The rise of the Internet and a new application, new business and new business models, which many enterprises are faced with greater challenges but also derived some of the technical and management issues. In fact, the Internet has brought many business advantages, such as the Global Alliance and accessible, reduce communication costs, lower transaction costs and reduce agent cost, interactive flexible and can be custom-made as well as to accelerate the distribution of knowledge … such. Thus, with the Internet and the popularization of Web applications and information as the growth index, and e-commerce business opportunities gradually sprouting. In addition, all kinds of financial products, as well as an e-commerce site e-Government services for the people of the site, its users can be the prospect of soaring year period. Therefore, as e-commerce and Web-based applications continue to flourish, the Web site operators to achieve the "confidential", "integrity" and "availability" record of "information security features.

At present, the enterprises in information security on the Internet and e-commerce and e-business applications, special attention to the technical one of the topics discussed. On the security of e-commerce agreements, including SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction). Many scholars and experts have put the research related to information security, Mason scholars propose trusted computer systems and solutions trust steps, of course, users must purchase anti-virus software to prevent and protect their computers have been attacked by the malicious virus signatures. In addition, Internet Explorer 7 support ad hoc platform Privacy Preferences (Platform for Privacy Preferences, P3P), P3P is "WWW Association" (W 3C), the development of technology, which allows users to control the use of their personal visit website Information way. Users of this technology through streamlining decide whether to disclose personal information website procedures, as well as the circumstances under which users of this process, thereby helping to protect the user's personal information privacy.

原文如下 丟到google翻譯 http://www.google.com/translate_t?hl=zh-TW

得到以上結果 google又讓我一次瞠目結舌....強....

目前,資訊安全是企業於網際網路上電子商務和e-化企業應用上特別重視的技術性議題之一。關於電子商務的安全性協定,包含SSL (Secure Socket Layer)、TLS (Transport Layer Security)和SET (Secure Electronic Transaction)等。許多學者專家紛紛提出有關資訊安全之研究,Mason學者提出有信賴的電腦系統之信任步驟及其解決方式,當然使用者必須購買防毒軟體來防範並保護他們的電腦被惡意的病毒碼所攻擊。另外,Internet Explorer 7 支援隱私權偏好設定專案平台 (Platform for Privacy Preferences,P3P),P3P是由「全球資訊網協會」(W 3C ) 所開發的技術,它可讓使用者控制造訪網站使用其個人資訊的方式。這個技術透過簡化使用者決定是否對網站公開個人資訊的程序,以及使用者在何種情況下進行這項工作,進而協助保護了使用者個人資訊的隱私。




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