Windows Vista / Server 2008 開啟或關閉 PAE
Miss Crossing Pacific. - Windows Vista / Server 2008 開啟PAE
現在筆電使用Vista Ultimate,動物機使用Server 2008 Enterprise,都是32位元的作業系統, 即使使用Ramdisk,在尚未開啟PAE前 作業系統仍無法定址超過4g以上的記憶體
1. 程式集 -> 執行 -> 輸入cmd (命令提示字元)
2. 輸入 bcdedit /set PAE ForceEnable
3. 重新啟動
於 主機板 - 記憶體 - Physical Address Extension (PAE)
"作用中" 顯示為 "是"
To explicitly enable PAE, use the following BCDEdit /set command to set the pae boot entry option:
- bcdedit /set [{ID}] pae ForceEnable
IF DEP is enabled, PAE cannot be disabled. Use the following BCDEdit /set commands to disable both DEP and PAE:
- bcdedit /set [{ID}] nx AlwaysOff
- bcdedit /set [{ID}] pae ForceDisable
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000: To enable PAE, use the /PAE switch in the Boot.ini file. To disable PAE, use the /NOPAE switch. To disable DEP, use the /EXECUTE switch.