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中華電信 4G 「極速奇航」活動熱烈開跑 邀您體驗4G LTE速度的快感


中華電信4G 「極速奇航」活動熱烈開跑邀您體驗4G LTE速度的快感



引領台灣進入4G時代的中華電信為讓全民體驗4G LTE高速行動上網,即日起至625日止,於台北市中正紀念堂藝文廣場,特別打造高達4米巨型中華電信4G「極速奇航」CUBE體驗站,以720度科幻環景螢幕,提供4G高品質視聽影音饗宴,讓消費者感受極速飆網的魅力,7月中旬更將開始北中南各地巡迴,讓民眾體驗有如登上高速飛行器享受酷炫的新科技。

中華電信「極速奇航」預約爆滿  體驗期間加碼送「4G頂級資費一年月租免費」


暢快感受中華電信4G LTE 「影、音、導、遊」加值服務  一次體驗5大品牌熱門機款

4G時代高速網路升級,提供給消費者速度更快、更即時、更優質的服務使用經驗,現場可暢快體驗中華電信「HD影視」、「高音質無損音樂」、「3D導航」及「雲端遊戲」四大加值服務。此外,中華電信4G開台率先開放的1800頻段,擁有最多國內外知名品牌4G LTE手機/平板選擇,今年第三季預計4G行動裝置將可超越50款以上!快來4G「極速奇航」現場體驗HTCLGMicrosoftSamsungSony4GLTE旗艦型手機及平板,暢快享受中華電信最豐富、最優質的4G LTE極速飆網體驗。


本信件可能包含中華電信股份有限公司機密資訊,非指定之收件者,請勿蒐集、處理或利用本信件內容,並請銷毀此信件. 如為指定收件者,應確實保護郵件中本公司之營業機密及個人資料,不得任意傳佈或揭露,並應自行確認本郵件之附檔與超連結之安全性,以共同善盡資訊安全與個資保護責任.
Please be advised that this email message (including any attachments) contains confidential information and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this message and all attachments from your system and do not further collect, process, or use them. Chunghwa Telecom and all its subsidiaries and associated companies shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this email nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system. If you are the intended recipient, please protect the confidential and/or personal information contained in this email with due care. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Also, please self-inspect attachments and hyperlinks contained in this email to ensure the information security and to protect personal information.